Sunday, July 29, 2018

Sleepless Nights – Revamped: The 2003 Indie Vampire Epic Rises Again in 2018...

Sleepless Nights – Revamped... Funding on Indigogo Soon

If you like gothic horror like DARK SHADOWS or DRACULA... if you support INDIE HORROR... or if you're just an all-around VAMPIRE fan, then please consider giving SLEEPLESS NIGHTS your support...

I'll soon be launching an Indiegogo campaign to raise funds for a new Blu-ray/DVD edition of my first film, the 2003 indie vampire epic, SLEEPLESS NIGHTS.

But rather than just putting out a new disc of the same old film, I'm planning to do a major reedit, utilizing alternate takes and some newly shot footage, while also replacing most of the film's special effects, commissioning a new score, and making a bunch of other changes and improvements. And of course, everything will be up-rezzed to HD.  

I'm hoping I'll be able to raise enough to do a complete overhaul of the film and make the new release the "Ultimate Edition" – totally restored, remastered and REVAMPED. But I'm going to need your help to make it happen. Please go to Indiegogo right now and sign up to be notified by email when the SLEEPLESS NIGHTS REVAMPED fundraising campaign launches. And help me get the word out about SLEEPLESS NIGHTS REVAMPED by sharing the Indiegogo pre-launch page with all your horror and vampire film fans on Facebook, Twitter or wherever you hang out...

Also, please join the SLEEPLESS NIGHTS Facebook page to get all the latest news about the Indiegogo campaign and the Blu-ray/DVD release:

Thanks :)

– Bill Hopkins