Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Kevin J. Lindenmuth's "How to Make Movies" Book

I came to know of Kevin J. Lindenmuth in the months after the initial DVD release of my first film, SLEEPLESS NIGHTS. Back then, Kevin was writing for the Buried.com website, and he reached out to our producers, Howard Nash & Frank Cilla, and offered to do a review of the film. The resulting write-up was one of the best we received, so I was glad he had discovered us and grateful for his generous evaluation of our work.
Author and filmmaker Kevin J. Lindenmuth

At the time I was surprised that, while so many other critics seemed to find it hard to look past the technical limitations of our ridiculously underbudgeted production and appreciate its (perhaps few) good points, Kevin seemed able to do this with ease. In researching him, I came to understand why: he was a filmmaker himself, and one of no small importance in the history of indie horror, having directed over a dozen digital video productions in the late 90s and early 2000s, the years when digital cameras and editing software were first becoming available to indie filmmakers.

For a while, it seemed there wasn't a Blockbuster store in North America that wasn't carrying at least one or two of Kevin's films, and while they were clearly micro-budgeted productions, the intelligence, enthusiasm and creativity on display favorably impressed many critics and genre fans. What particularly impressed me was that Kevin, while turning out so many films in such a relatively brief period, still found time to offer words of encouragement to his fellow filmmakers through his reviews, a demonstration of uncommon kindness and generosity for someone in what is usually considered a fairly cut-throat business.

When the DVD market began to decline and chains like Blockbuster started closing their stores, Kevin shifted to doing PBS documentaries and writing books focusing on independent filmmaking. For his latest book, HOW TO MAKE MOVIES: LOW-BUDGET/NO-BUDGET INDIE EXPERTS TELL ALL, from McFarland Press, Kevin interviewed twenty-four filmmakers, all specializing in the horror genre, and got them to recount their experiences, good and bad. For beginning filmmakers, some of these anecdotes may be inspirational and some cautionary, which is just as it should be. When even the likes of Spielberg and Lucas are expressing doubts about the future of the medium, it would be a mistake to paint too rosy a picture. But as grim as things may seem, there will always be plenty of budding filmmakers eager to give it a try, and they're the ones likely to benefit the most from Kevin's excellent book.

My appearance in "How to Make Movies"
By some accident, I was one of the group of twenty-four that Kevin interviewed for HOW TO MAKE MOVIES. Having only two films to my credit, my resume is dwarfed by those of the other filmmakers involved, so I was surprised but very honored to be allowed to participate. My contribution includes stories about the production of SLEEPLESS NIGHTS and DEMON RESURRECTION that my closest friends have heard so many times over the years that they would run screaming from me if I tried to tell them again. But perhaps in printed form, under the expert editorial guidance provided by Mr. Lindenmuth, and to an audience that isn't quite so familiar with my repertoire, these tales will be of some small interest.

Fortunately most of the book is not about me, and the other filmmakers, some of whom have sufficient experience to warrant a separate volume about their body of work alone, offer many interesting and amusing answers to Kevin's questions. Perhaps the best compliment I can offer is that the book helped rekindle my sense of excitement about indie filmmaking, made me want to seek out the work of the interviewed filmmakers, and made me want to get to work on new films of my own.

I unreservedly recommend HOW TO MAKE MOVIES to all who are interested in low-budget films and the process of making them. My congratulations to Kevin and my best wishes for the success of the book.

You can buy HOW TO MAKE MOVIES: LOW-BUDGET/NO-BUDGET EXPERTS TELL ALL, in paperback and in its Kindle edition, on Amazon.com: http://www.amazon.com/dp/0786471069

On Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Howtomakemovies

Buy the DEMON RESURRECTION DVD: http://www.demonresurrection.com

UPDATE 11/18/2017: The newly remastered version of DEMON RESURRECTION in 1080 HD & Widescreen is now available at http://dresurrection.vhx.tv

Or stream it on Amazon (Prime members watch for free): https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01MZXWKBT

Also available on...

Vimeo-on-Demand: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/102966

and on Pantaflix: https://www.pantaflix.com/en/movie/Demon-Resurrection-watch-online-pm741064

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Independent Flicks Reviews DEMON RESURRECTION

Jörgen Lundin, at the Independent Flicks website, recently gave DEMON RESURRECTION a terrific review. An excerpt:

Rating: 7 out of 7. I enjoyed this a lot, it makes the most of its low budget and succeeds, being a well made and entertaining horror flick... a nice blend of zombies and occult horror. Highly recommended, so make sure to check this one out!

Thanks, Jörgen!

UPDATE 11/18/2017: The newly remastered version of DEMON RESURRECTION in 1080 HD & Widescreen is now available at http://dresurrection.vhx.tv

Or stream it on Amazon (Prime members watch for free): https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01MZXWKBT

Also available on...

Vimeo-on-Demand: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/102966

and on Pantaflix: https://www.pantaflix.com/en/movie/Demon-Resurrection-watch-online-pm741064

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Excellent DEMON RESURRECTION Review on Amazon UK

I don't visit the UK version of Amazon.com very often, so I'm only just now catching up with the excellent review one customer gave DEMON RESURRECTION a few years back. An excerpt:

Saw this film at the 2010 Bram Stoker Film Festival and can't praise it highly enough... Described elsewhere as a cross between Night of the Living Dead, something out of HP Lovecraft, with a nod to Alien, which is really spot on. OK, so it's very derivative... and the influences are clear, but I've not seen such a gripping piece of filmmaking in some time. Starts fairly sedately, but with dire warnings dropped into the dialogue at regular intervals, but when the action starts, phew what a ride!

Bearing in mind that the film was probably made on a shoestring, the special effects are really very impressive. Without giving too much of the plot away, I thought the trick of the "good" dead battling the evil dead (so to speak) at the climax was inspired. Sadly, I suspect this won't even get a dvd release in the UK, let alone reach cinemas. If you do get to see it and don't agree with my opinion, I'd be surprised if you weren't at least able to say that you'd been entertained for c.90 minutes. Well done... !
– Gazzman, Amazon.co.UK

It's always a pleasure to hear from people who appreciate and enjoy DEMON RESURRECTION, and Gazzman has my sincere thanks for his kind words. Unfortunately, he's probably right in saying that DEMON is unlikely to have an official DVD release in the UK anytime soon. This is a shame because DEMON is at least as much an homage to Hammer Films as it is to the zombie films of Romero, Fulci, et al., and it might find an appreciative audience in the UK.

But for our friends overseas, the situation is not entirely hopeless. The Special Edition DVD currently available at demonresurrection.com is region free and fans in the UK and Europe who have an NTSC-compatible DVD player & TV should have no trouble viewing it. Ordering from the US means higher shipping costs, but by buying from the official site you'll at least know that your money is going entirely to the people who actually made the film and not to Amazon or some shady distributor or "content aggregator." And that money may help finance future DVD editions of DEMON or future productions like it.

As for online streaming, we're now offering the film to viewers worldwide for $3.99. It comes with optional Spanish and English subtitles, is DRM-free and includes over 30 minutes of bonus material.  Stream it now at http://www.demonresurrection.com.

UPDATE 11/18/2017: The newly remastered version of DEMON RESURRECTION in 1080 HD & Widescreen is now available at http://dresurrection.vhx.tv

Or stream it on Amazon (Prime members watch for free): https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01MZXWKBT

Also available on...

Vimeo-on-Demand: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/102966

and on Pantaflix: https://www.pantaflix.com/en/movie/Demon-Resurrection-watch-online-pm741064

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Making the "Music" of DEMON RESURRECTION

In the budget-conscious style typical of small, indie productions, I did the score for DEMON RESURRECTION myself, using an inexpensive keyboard, an elderly Macintosh computer and GarageBand, software which at the time was relatively new and, more importantly, free.

To some ears, the result – approximately one hour of low rumblings alternating with eerie echoes and piercing shrills – may not qualify as "real music," or at least, not music to be listened to by itself, separate from the film it was created to accompany. But as primitive and lo-fi as it may be, I hope the score can at least be said to fit the tone and style of DEMON RESURRECTION and add something to its creepy atmosphere.

If it's not something you want to listen to for pleasure, then perhaps you can use it – turned up loud and played late at night – to annoy neighbors, roommates or house pets. I know from experience how well this works.

UPDATE 11/18/2017: The newly remastered version of DEMON RESURRECTION in 1080 HD & Widescreen is now available at http://dresurrection.vhx.tv

Or stream it on Amazon (Prime members watch for free): https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01MZXWKBT

Also available on...

Vimeo-on-Demand: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/102966

and on Pantaflix: https://www.pantaflix.com/en/movie/Demon-Resurrection-watch-online-pm741064