Sunday, June 16, 2013

Excellent DEMON RESURRECTION Review on Amazon UK

I don't visit the UK version of very often, so I'm only just now catching up with the excellent review one customer gave DEMON RESURRECTION a few years back. An excerpt:

Saw this film at the 2010 Bram Stoker Film Festival and can't praise it highly enough... Described elsewhere as a cross between Night of the Living Dead, something out of HP Lovecraft, with a nod to Alien, which is really spot on. OK, so it's very derivative... and the influences are clear, but I've not seen such a gripping piece of filmmaking in some time. Starts fairly sedately, but with dire warnings dropped into the dialogue at regular intervals, but when the action starts, phew what a ride!

Bearing in mind that the film was probably made on a shoestring, the special effects are really very impressive. Without giving too much of the plot away, I thought the trick of the "good" dead battling the evil dead (so to speak) at the climax was inspired. Sadly, I suspect this won't even get a dvd release in the UK, let alone reach cinemas. If you do get to see it and don't agree with my opinion, I'd be surprised if you weren't at least able to say that you'd been entertained for c.90 minutes. Well done... !
– Gazzman,

It's always a pleasure to hear from people who appreciate and enjoy DEMON RESURRECTION, and Gazzman has my sincere thanks for his kind words. Unfortunately, he's probably right in saying that DEMON is unlikely to have an official DVD release in the UK anytime soon. This is a shame because DEMON is at least as much an homage to Hammer Films as it is to the zombie films of Romero, Fulci, et al., and it might find an appreciative audience in the UK.

But for our friends overseas, the situation is not entirely hopeless. The Special Edition DVD currently available at is region free and fans in the UK and Europe who have an NTSC-compatible DVD player & TV should have no trouble viewing it. Ordering from the US means higher shipping costs, but by buying from the official site you'll at least know that your money is going entirely to the people who actually made the film and not to Amazon or some shady distributor or "content aggregator." And that money may help finance future DVD editions of DEMON or future productions like it.

As for online streaming, we're now offering the film to viewers worldwide for $3.99. It comes with optional Spanish and English subtitles, is DRM-free and includes over 30 minutes of bonus material.  Stream it now at

UPDATE 11/18/2017: The newly remastered version of DEMON RESURRECTION in 1080 HD & Widescreen is now available at

Or stream it on Amazon (Prime members watch for free):

Also available on...


and on Pantaflix:

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